- Will it be ok? Tush
- How are you feeling today? Stupid girls
- How do your friends see you? Backstreets
- Will you get married? Ondskans makt
- What is your best friend's theme song? I walk the line
- What is the story of your life? Well well well
- What was high school like? (Okej, här kom det först en låt, men den var döpt till "Spår 16", så jag kunde inte ju inte skriva den, så jag böt. Och jag erkände, så det är ju inget fusk!) Going to California
- How can you get ahead in life? Clampdown
- What is the best thing about your friends? Dance with me
- What is tonight going to be like? Train kept a rolling
- What is in store for the remainder of this weekend? Never gonna be the same
- What song describes you? Quick death
- To describe your grandparents? Something I Learned Today
- How is your life going? Wish you were here
- What song will they play at your funeral? Bang! Bang!
- How does the world see you? Cry, Cry, Cry
- Will you have a happy life? The passanger
- What do your friends really think of you? En till blodig höst
- Do people secretly lust after you? Heartbreaker
- How can i make myself happy? Shred A
- What should you do with your life? I want to be forever young
- Will you ever have children? Burn
Och så lite kul kan man väl få ha då..
En "lek" jag snodde ur en blogg. Tjalla.
1. put your music player on shuffle.
2. press forward for each question.
3. use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.
Okej..haha. That makes no sense at all! Men kul iallafall. :)